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一个梦想进入武府圣地的普通少年,立志追求极致武学。   然而面对竞争激烈的考核,又有世家子弟的借势压人,小小平凡少年如何立足?   宗门传承严格保密,核心功法概不外传,在功法传承如此难得天衍大陆,即便进了武府和宗门,想学到顶级武学又谈何容易?   来自神域的小小魔方,展开一个强者的世界。   功法要学就学最顶尖。   生活职业要选就选别人都不会的。   热血的对决,天才的竞争,三尺枪芒,千里直驱,武道极致,独步天下!
不正经的简介: 这游戏也太真实了叭! 怎么打着打着队友的衣服就没了? 什么?你问我这游戏正经不? 当然正经了! 搬砖、跑腿、捡垃圾、送快递……公司最多能让你体会到996的艰辛,在这里你能体会到超级加倍的007。 还有比这更真实的游戏? 好了,不废话了,伟大的管理者大人喊我去搬砖了。 那位大人说了,只要我们献上自己的肝,下个月他又能换一套全新的动力甲,到时候带我们开全新的地图,去广阔的废土捡更多的垃圾! …… 正经的简介: 穿越到废土世界的楚光发现,自己解锁了避难所系统,能够从自己穿越之前的世界召唤名为“玩家”的生物。 从那天开始,整个废土都不正经了。
【改编动漫《回铭之烽火三月》正在热播】   阴差阳错间,乌龙九世善人郑少鹏回到了大明正德年间。   那是一个多姿多彩的时代,既有京师八虎的邪恶,又有江南四大才子的风流,还有大儒王阳明的心学,再加上荒诞不经的正德皇帝朱厚照。浑浑噩噩中踏进这个世界的主角,不得不为了自己的命运,周旋在这形形色色的人物之中。   东厂、西厂、内厂、外廷之间的纷争;代天巡狩清除贪官的故事;剿倭寇、驱鞑靼、灭都掌蛮、大战佛郎机;开海禁、移民西伯利亚……,精彩的故事纷至沓来……   国家和个人的命运,就象历史长河中的一条船,因为他的意外出现,这艘原本注定驶向没落的巨轮,会不会偏移它的方向呢?
天灾到来之际,全民穿越废土世界,面临死亡生存挑战! 恐怖酸雨,滔天洪灾,天火焚城,全球冰川,超级辐射.... 没有人可以幸免! 人类想要活下来只能建造避难所,接受一轮又一轮的天灾洗礼。 幸好,苏摩觉醒了末日生存系统! 他的避难所竟然可以无限升级! 【木门】→【铁门】→【合金大门】→..... 【木矛】→【椆木矛】→【电磁矛】→..... 【柴油发电机】→【生物发电机】→【温差发电机】→..... 当所有人奔波在为下次灾难到来准备时,苏摩已经满身装备,横行废土世界。 “咱们还在点油灯,人家冰箱都用上了!” “他的避难所听说墙壁就有几十米厚,是世界上最安全的地方” “有生之年,我想进入苏神避难所居住一天”
作者:Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Notes From The Underground is a short novel by Fyodor Dostoevsky, published in 1864. It is considered by many to be one of the worlds first existentialist novels. It presents itself as an excerpt from the rambling memoirs of a bitter, isolated, unnamed narrator generally referred to by critics as the Underground Man who is a retired civil servant living in St. Petersburg. The novel includes two partsPart 1 "Underground"and Part 2"Apropos of the Wet Snow".
作者:Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Notes from Underground also translated in English as Notes from the Underground or Letters from the Underworld while Notes from Underground is the most literal translation is a short novel by Fyodor Dostoevsky, who is a Russian novelist, short story writer, essayist, journalist and philosopher,published in 1864. It is considered by many to be the worlds first existentialist novel. It presents itself as an excerpt from the rambling memoirs of a bitter, isolated, unnamed narrator generally referred to by critics as the Underground Man who is a retired civil servant living in St. Petersburg.
作者:Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Notes from Underground also translated in English as Notes from the Underground or Letters from the Underworld while Notes from Underground is the most literal translation is an 1864 novel by Fyodor Dostoevsky, who is a Russian novelist, short story writer, essayist, journalist and philosopher. It is considered by many to be one of the worlds first existentialist novels. It presents itself as an excerpt from the rambling memoirs of a bitter, isolated, unnamed narrator generally referred to by critics as the Underground Man who is a retired civil servant living in St. Petersburg. The first part of the story is told in monologue form, or the underground mans diary, and attacks emerging Western philosophy.The second part of the book is called "Apropos of the Wet Snow" and describes certain events that appear to be destroying and sometimes renewing the underground man, who acts as a first person, unreliable narrator and anti-hero.
开局一条狗,反派见了掉头走。 世界这么大,谁见祖宗都害怕。 请对生活比个耶,万年老妖怪被迫营业。 世界上最痛苦的莫过于人还年轻,对象老了;师傅活着,徒弟死了;天下第一,孤独求败;富可敌国,隐居郊外; 人的一生,极其短暂,而陈风的一生,经历夏商西周,唐宋元明,做过奴隶,当过皇帝,放过牛,耕过地,收过一群历史小弟。 别看陈风这么潇洒,其实,还没经历社会的毒打!
她是擂台霸主,出手狠辣,狂妄强势,谁知一朝穿越,竟成了人尽皆知的无用废材。 他是大周战神,冷酷无情,威慑天下,却众人面前指她为妃。 她表面乖巧,暗地里借着他的势力行自己的事。 某日:“听说本王对你宠爱有加,还想和你生猴子?” 古月清干笑两声:“那只是我在外面胡说的,王爷切莫当真。” “不妨事,马上就是真的了。”